my reason to live like no joke
Hashbrown was born april 20th of 2020 (put it on your calendar), and I brought him home on my birthday, July 21st of the same year. I don't know why I chose the name, considering he didn't have any brown on him when he was a baby, and even now he doesn't have much. Weird names aside, Hashbrown has been living a pretty good life.
Hashbrown has VERY specific preferences. For example; he refuses to eat straight from his bowl, and will instead take a mouthful, take a step or two back, and then eat it, and since he can only fit cat collars, his collars have bells, but he only likes the ring of one of them. He refuses to wear the rest, and we're pretty sure it's because of the jingle.
He also doesn't like Mt.Dew, but he's okay with any other soda. I found this out because I was comparing his size to one of those big soda bottles, and the first one I tried was Mt.Dew. He growled at it and kept walking away, but had no reaction when I tried the same thing with a ripoff Dr.Pepper instead.